Our Vision

Derekh pronounced ‘DAH-RECK’ means ‘The Way’ or more precisely, ‘The Only Way’.

Our company vision is “To become the most trusted preeminent supplier of Personal Protective Equipment, Abrasives and Accessories to businesses across South Africa and Africa.” This inspires us to grow into something that is so much more than just a product and services provider; to make the quantum shift from being just another transactional business to being an outstanding transformational business.

Derekh’s inspired values-driven vision resonates around 5 Strategic Pebbles. These are People, Progress, Preservation, Personality and Product. “Why pebbles and not pillars?” you might well be asking yourself. Well, we like to think of things this way – if it only takes one pebble to start an avalanche, just think what our 5 pebbles can and will do. Thing is, Derekh is not just an entrepreneurial business which buys and sells goods and services, it is a way of life. The business is a natural extension of who we are, what we stand for and value and how we meet and greet each and every day.

Strategic Pebble 1: People “Everyone Matters”

Derekh grasps the fundamental truth that we are in the people business.

“Why on earth would be saying this?” you might be wondering to yourself? And the answer is, because we understand that everything in business happens with, through and around people. Simplistically put, business is people, and everyone matters.

Therefore, we gratefully acknowledge people as being the core driver of our business success and as such we make it our business to actively invest in them. In our world, people need to understand and be made to feel that they are so much more than “just another number”.

Our name, Derekh, totals 33

Derekh = 4+5+9+5+2+8 = 33, the number of The Master Teacher

As such we choose to align our values-system with the ethos of giving deserving people a hand-up, not a hand-out; of educating people who will in turn pay this blessing forward in their own unique way.

We seek to sustainably invest in educating the right individuals.

People whose values match and resonate with ours, who wish to help create, develop, and leave behind a legacy business.

People who understand the importance of relationships, responsibility, family, teamwork, discipline, hard work, delivery, kindness, commitment and who get that your word is your promise and your promise is binding.

So, to get down to brass tacks,

when the lean and challenging times present themselves what counts the most in business?

Partnerships! Meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships that stretch far beyond the clinical world of product and profit.

Derekh values building principled partnerships.

That is what we always seek to do with clients, suppliers, staff etc. Why? Because first and foremost we are in the people business and people, both individually and collectively, make or break progress.

So, from the very first moment we meet you and commence discussions as to how we can be of service to you, we will be thinking progressive partnership, because that is a true win-win situation.

Strategic Pebble 2: Progress “Pragmatic Optimism”

Derekh looks to the future with pragmatic optimism.

Given that we, the founders of Derekh have personally weathered many storms, we understand that everything is cyclical.

Therefore, just as there are times of plenty in life, the abundant times if you will, so too will there be times of scarcity, the lean times that everyone fears.That is why when we talk progress, we do so with pragmatic optimism. This takes into consideration that it is not practically possible to always shoot the lights out performance wise; that there will be tough days, weeks, months, even years.

Strategic Pebble 1: People “Everyone Matters”

Derekh grasps the fundamental truth that we are in the people business.

“Why on earth would be saying this?” you might be wondering to yourself? And the answer is, because we understand that everything in business happens with, through and around people. Simplistically put, business is people, and everyone matters.

Therefore, we gratefully acknowledge people as being the core driver of our business success and as such we make it our business to actively invest in them. In our world, people need to understand and be made to feel that they are so much more than “just another number”.

Our name, Derekh, totals 33

Derekh = 4+5+9+5+2+8 = 33, the number of The Master Teacher

As such we choose to align our values-system with the ethos of giving deserving people a hand-up, not a hand-out; of educating people who will in turn pay this blessing forward in their own unique way.

We seek to sustainably invest in educating the right individuals.

People whose values match and resonate with ours, who wish to help create, develop, and leave behind a legacy business.

People who understand the importance of relationships, responsibility, family, teamwork, discipline, hard work, delivery, kindness, commitment and who get that your word is your promise and your promise is binding.

Strategic Pebble 2: Progress “Pragmatic Optimism”

Derekh looks to the future with pragmatic optimism.

Given that we, the founders of Derekh have personally weathered many storms, we understand that everything is cyclical.

Therefore, just as there are times of plenty in life, the abundant times if you will, so too will there be times of scarcity, the lean times that everyone fears.That is why when we talk progress, we do so with pragmatic optimism. This takes into consideration that it is not practically possible to always shoot the lights out performance wise; that there will be tough days, weeks, months, even years.

So, to get down to brass tacks,

when the lean and challenging times present themselves what counts the most in business?

Partnerships! Meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships that stretch far beyond the clinical world of product and profit.

Derekh values building principled partnerships.

That is what we always seek to do with clients, suppliers, staff etc. Why? Because first and foremost we are in the people business and people, both individually and collectively, make or break progress.

So, from the very first moment we meet you and commence discussions as to how we can be of service to you, we will be thinking progressive partnership, because that is a true win-win situation.

Strategic Pebble 3: Preservation “Protecting Longevity”

Derekh thinks, plans, and executes around protecting longevity.

That means we are here to make a difference and that we plan to be around for a long time. The very act of preserving something means that you are actively protecting it and given human value systems, we will protect what we care about, that which has deep significance to us.

We carefully chose the word preservation to describe our third strategic pebble because we do care, very much. We care deeply about the people of South Africa, their futures, their prosperity, their businesses, their brands, their products and so on.

Because we care, we desire to help you in every possible way

 to grow and preserve that which you are building.

 Your success is our success and vice versa. Derekh embraces preservation on every possible level. The preservation of critically important values which our lives, our businesses, our every day.

The preservation of a positive entrepreneurial mindset.

which understands that every adversity brings with it the equivalent seed of opportunity. The preservation of culture. It is within our rich eclectic diversity that much innovative potential resides.

A collective genius which can be readily tapped into by those who choose to see beyond the obvious stumbling blocks which others focus on.

So, what exactly is meant by this?

Simply put, to convey the impression of increase, you must want the same for everybody that you want for yourself.

It is all about leaving others feeling better than before they met you. As wonderful as the idea of the impression of increase is, no amount of reading or memorizing information will make you successful in life.


What counts is understanding and applying wise ideas.

Each day if you simply practice gratitude, keep moving forward toward the good things you want in life, and always do your best.

Bring a loving and proactive spirit to everything you do and celebrate other people’s gifts and highlight what they are doing well, you will convey the impression of increase to others.

Strategic Pebble 4: Personality “Service Excellence”

Derekh’s personality is best summed up in two powerful words, service excellence.

We are driven to be of service to you, to make your life easier and to help you to become more efficient.

Our service driven personality flows from that of our sister company, Autofitters, founded by Jan Serfontein, who himself believed in always going the extra mile service wise. What you may find interesting and memorable too is that what underpins Derekh’s service ethic is the Impression of Increase.

Strategic Pebble 5: Product “Purpose-driven Perfection”

Product, is critically important component in terms of fulfilling against our vision and mission and the attainment of our goals.

Why would this be? At Derekh, we can have the best People centric policies and practices, embrace Progress driving pragmatic optimism, foster and value the Preservation of principle centred leadership and have a service driven Personality.

But all that means nothing if our Product is sub-standard. Poor quality products are the fastest way to both instant and long-term brand reputational damage.

We have made it our business to ensure

that we can provide you with excellent products at competitive prices.

We think about the products we are providing to you in this way – purpose-driven perfection; they must not only make a difference, but you must enjoy using them too.

Today businesses are under pressure to be more environmentally aware.

At Derekh, we are doing everything possible to align ourselves to this very globally important, initiative

As such we are constantly looking into how our products can be of real value to you and kinder to the planet. This is our way of doing positive something for the planet and reducing our collective carbon footprint.

Strategic Pebble 3: Preservation “Protecting Longevity”

Derekh thinks, plans, and executes around protecting longevity.

That means we are here to make a difference and that we plan to be around for a long time. The very act of preserving something means that you are actively protecting it and given human value systems, we will protect what we care about, that which has deep significance to us.

We carefully chose the word preservation to describe our third strategic pebble because we do care, very much. We care deeply about the people of South Africa, their futures, their prosperity, their businesses, their brands, their products and so on.

Because we care, we desire to help you in every possible way

 to grow and preserve that which you are building.

 Your success is our success and vice versa. Derekh embraces preservation on every possible level. The preservation of critically important values which our lives, our businesses, our every day.

The preservation of a positive entrepreneurial mindset.

which understands that every adversity brings with it the equivalent seed of opportunity. The preservation of culture. It is within our rich eclectic diversity that much innovative potential resides.

A collective genius which can be readily tapped into by those who choose to see beyond the obvious stumbling blocks which others focus on.

Strategic Pebble 4: Personality “Service Excellence”

Derekh’s personality is best summed up in two powerful words, service excellence.

We are driven to be of service to you, to make your life easier and to help you to become more efficient.

Our service driven personality flows from that of our sister company, Autofitters, founded by Jan Serfontein, who himself believed in always going the extra mile service wise. What you may find interesting and memorable too is that what underpins Derekh’s service ethic is the Impression of Increase.

So, what exactly is meant by this?

Simply put, to convey the impression of increase, you must want the same for everybody that you want for yourself.

It is all about leaving others feeling better than before they met you. As wonderful as the idea of the impression of increase is, no amount of reading or memorizing information will make you successful in life.


What counts is understanding and applying wise ideas.

Each day if you simply practice gratitude, keep moving forward toward the good things you want in life, and always do your best.

Bring a loving and proactive spirit to everything you do and celebrate other people’s gifts and highlight what they are doing well, you will convey the impression of increase to others.

Strategic Pebble 5: Product “Purpose-driven Perfection”

Product, is critically important component in terms of fulfilling against our vision and mission and the attainment of our goals.

Why would this be? At Derekh, we can have the best People centric policies and practices, embrace Progress driving pragmatic optimism, foster and value the Preservation of principle centred leadership and have a service driven Personality.

But all that means nothing if our Product is sub-standard. Poor quality products are the fastest way to both instant and long-term brand reputational damage.

We have made it our business to ensure

that we can provide you with excellent products at competitive prices.

We think about the products we are providing to you in this way – purpose-driven perfection; they must not only make a difference, but you must enjoy using them too.

Today businesses are under pressure to be more environmentally aware.

At Derekh, we are doing everything possible to align ourselves to this very globally important, initiative

As such we are constantly looking into how our products can be of real value to you and kinder to the planet. This is our way of doing positive something for the planet and reducing our collective carbon footprint.

We are the preeminent supplier of Abrasives, Personal Protective Equipment and Accessories to businesses across South Africa and Africa

Aluminium Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for Aluminium

Automotive Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Automotive Industry, Vehicle Manufacture, Car Restoration

Aviation Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Aviation Industry

Construction Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Construction Industry, Factory Construction, Warhouse Construction

DIY Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for DIY

Engineering Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for Engineering

Industrial PPE

Derekh Abrasives, PPE, Industrial PPE, Safety Gear

Manufacturing Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for the Manufacturing Industry

Marine Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Marine Industry, Boat Building, Boat Restoration

Metal Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for Metal

Mining Industry

Derekh Abrasives, Mining Industry

Wood & Carpentry

Derekh Abrasives, Abrasives for Wood, Carpentry, Joinery